SimplePie Compatibility Test

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Absolutize: 100% passed!

We ran 59 tests in 0.005 seconds of which 59 passed, and 0 failed.

Date: 100% passed!

We ran 56 tests in 0.004 seconds of which 56 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Category Label: 100% passed!

We ran 32 tests in 0.008 seconds of which 32 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Copyright: 100% passed!

We ran 27 tests in 0.006 seconds of which 27 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Description: 100% passed!

We ran 36 tests in 0.012 seconds of which 36 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Image Height: 100% passed!

We ran 24 tests in 0.006 seconds of which 24 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Image Link: 100% passed!

We ran 6 tests in 0.002 seconds of which 6 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Image Title: 100% passed!

We ran 18 tests in 0.021 seconds of which 18 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Image Url: 100% passed!

We ran 20 tests in 0.015 seconds of which 20 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Image Width: 100% passed!

We ran 24 tests in 0.021 seconds of which 24 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Language: 100% passed!

We ran 22 tests in 0.013 seconds of which 22 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Link: 100% passed!

We ran 23 tests in 0.024 seconds of which 23 passed, and 0 failed.

Feed Title: 96% passed!

We ran 52 tests in 0.026 seconds of which 50 passed, and 2 failed.

First Item Author Name: 100% passed!

We ran 34 tests in 0.01 seconds of which 34 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Category Label: 100% passed!

We ran 33 tests in 0.022 seconds of which 33 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Content: 98% passed!

We ran 50 tests in 0.034 seconds of which 49 passed, and 1 failed.

First Item Contributor Name: 100% passed!

We ran 14 tests in 0.013 seconds of which 14 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Date: 100% passed!

We ran 53 tests in 0.03 seconds of which 53 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Description: 98% passed!

We ran 50 tests in 0.032 seconds of which 49 passed, and 1 failed.

First Item Id: 100% passed!

We ran 31 tests in 0.02 seconds of which 31 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Latitude: 100% passed!

We ran 16 tests in 0.011 seconds of which 16 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Longitude: 100% passed!

We ran 16 tests in 0.011 seconds of which 16 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Permalink: 100% passed!

We ran 37 tests in 0.056 seconds of which 37 passed, and 0 failed.

First Item Title: 81% passed!

We ran 95 tests in 0.084 seconds of which 77 passed, and 18 failed.

Who knows a <title> from a hole in the ground?: 100% passed!

We ran 8 tests in 0.013 seconds of which 8 passed, and 0 failed.

iTunesRSS: 66% passed!

We ran 3 tests in 0.002 seconds of which 2 passed, and 1 failed.

97% passed!

We ran 839 tests in 0.695 seconds (0.001 seconds per test) of which 816 (97%) passed, and 23 (3%) failed.

Powered by SimplePie 1.2.2-dev, Build 20111015034325. SimplePie is © 2004–2024, Ryan Parman and Geoffrey Sneddon, and licensed under the BSD License.